15 years

as an educator

I entered education 15 years ago as a Kindergarten teacher. In the time since, I have achieved Masters degrees in both early childhood development and culturally and linguistically diverse education. I now work full-time as an Administrator in an elementary school where I continue to support children, families, and teachers.

5 years

as a step-parent

I was never sure I wanted to be a parent until I met my wonderful husband and step-daughter 5 years ago. Since then, I have come to realize that being a step-parent is incredibly challenging and rewarding all at the same time. Trying to balance my own parenting style with the love and respect for my step-daughter’s biological mother is a different kind of hard. Yet, I wouldn’t change it for anything.

2 years

as a mommy

While becoming a step-parent had massive impacts on my life and identity, it did not change me to the core like becoming a biological parent did. Since having my daughter over 2 years ago, I have become a fundamentally different person. I now approach all aspects of my life differently and have a new lens with which I view parents and the world of parenting.

My People

I feel lucky every day to have these amazing people along for the ride with me.

My husband, Zach

My husband fully supports me in all that I do and I couldn’t do it without him. He goes along with all of my wild ideas, but also keeps me grounded in what is actually simple for parents. He also helps me to remember to take care of myself because I cannot be a good parent if I am not taking care of myself.

My kids

As all parents know, I couldn’t do any of this without my three amazing kids. These are the ones who made me a step-mom and a mommy. They are also the ones who challenge me on a daily basis to be better.

This blog came out of the work I did with my husband to start our business Kids’ Night In. At Kids’ Night In, we provide parents with a childcare option when others are closed, including after hours, weekends, and school breaks. Check us out if you live in the Aurora, Colorado area!